Thread subject: :: Who bit frog?

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 13-06-2005 23:07

Is it possible to say which Nematocera bit Rana esculenta?

Posted by Andrius on 15-06-2005 08:23

As far as I know and looking at the picture I could say these are Simuliidae or Ceratopogonidae. But they look more like Simuliidae. Maybe someone will also say his/her opinion.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 26-06-2005 23:44

With these relatively long antennae, they cannot be Simuliidae, so I assume they are Ceratopogonidae.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 01-10-2005 19:18

By the way, I found in Bey-Bienko that frog blood is specialisation of Forcipomyia velox, of Ceratopogonidae.