Thread subject: :: doli fly

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 17-10-2006 16:49


I took this photo today in silgueiros- viseu - portugal

doli fly... about 6 mm

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 17-10-2006 17:37

Hi Jorge.
I think Campsicnemus.

Posted by Kahis on 17-10-2006 18:29

Probably C. umbripenne. I don't have the relevant books here so I cannot check, but it is a common species in southern Europe and looks like this.

Posted by Igor Grichanov on 18-10-2006 16:31

Certainly female Campsicnemus, and certainly not C. umbripenne. Sorry, I do not know European Campsicnemus larger than 3 mm.