Thread subject: :: Heleomyzidae in bait traps

Posted by katerina dvorakova on 14-04-2011 23:18

dear coleagues,
have somebody experience with Heleomyzidae in syrup, beer or wine traps? We have only Suillia spp. Did you trapped any other genera?

Posted by cyprinoid on 15-04-2011 09:50

Hi Katerina.

I've done some trapping this spring and caught some Gymnomus, Heleomyza, Tephrochlamys and quite interesting Suillias.

The bait started out as a fresh orange but now it is a delicious mix of rotten orange, apple, banana and mouse droppings :)

Posted by libor on 15-04-2011 20:00

Thanks, Cyprinoid/Hyperbolizer!
Can you write us specimens ratio for all genera? We have controlled five traps with 100% starwberry sirup. No Heleomyzid after three weeks. We have very good experiance with beer during the summer and we are searching for all other possibilities. All available data as well as published papers are welcomed!
Libor (husband of Katka :-))

Posted by cyprinoid on 15-04-2011 20:25

I will make a list of all specimens with dates. I can post it here if you are interested. I still have some sorting to do + some that needs to be verified.

Posted by libor on 15-04-2011 21:40

Of course, we are intereted in it! Many thanks!!!

Posted by libor on 14-05-2012 11:03

Did you published results of these trapings or not? We are still very interested in the data!

Edited by libor on 14-05-2012 11:04