Thread subject: :: Flies?

Posted by Gea on 06-06-2005 13:12

Anyone know what these are?
and this one?

Posted by Kahis on 06-06-2005 21:53

These two are Asilids and belong to genus Dioctria. They are among the smaller and more slender species of robber flies, and prefer to hunt among grass on sheltered meadows, gardens etc.

Where were the photos taken?

Posted by Kahis on 06-06-2005 21:58

If thse are from NW Europe (Britain/N France or thereabouts) my guess is:

1st pic: Dioctria baumhaueri ?
2nd: D. linearis

Posted by Paul Beuk on 06-06-2005 22:50

Kahis wrote:
If these are from NW Europe (Britain/N France or thereabouts) my guess is:
I think they are from the Netherlands.
1st pic: Dioctria baumhaueri ?
Which is a junior synonym of D. hyalipennis!
2nd: D. linearis
Appears like it. I hape Mark will drop in soon to confirm. ;)

Posted by Gea on 07-06-2005 09:21

The pictures are taken in the Netherlands indeed.
And thank you both very much for your replies.
