Thread subject: :: Fly on Hickory

Posted by Bruce Marlin on 04-06-2005 05:16

I found these flies on shagbark hickory trees. 9mm long, 15mm wingspan. Can anyone ID these?

Edited by Bruce Marlin on 04-06-2005 05:20

Posted by Bruce Marlin on 04-06-2005 05:17

another image, same fly

Posted by Paul Beuk on 04-06-2005 16:16

his surely is a snipe fly of the genus Rhagio. The same beasty came up on BugGuide a few times, but I have not been able to put a species name on it. They often sit with their heads down on tree trunks.

Posted by Bruce Marlin on 05-06-2005 03:21

Snipe fly, eh? Very cool. Yeah, they sit head-down. Thanks!
I think the the species is Rhagio mystaceus.
You can see my complete webpage with large close-ups at

Edited by Bruce Marlin on 10-06-2005 05:12