Thread subject: :: Bombyliidae

Posted by pierred on 06-10-2006 08:20


While checking some earlier identifications, I find this Bombyliidae. Could it be Thyridanthrax ?

Posted by Zeegers on 06-10-2006 10:43

Hi Pierred

Looks like a Villa to me.
This genus is notoriously difficult, if not impossible, to ID.

Theo Zeegers

Posted by David Gibbs on 06-10-2006 11:22

would be very useful always to include location (likely to be recognisable by people from disparate countries) and date. your beefly is Villa, not imposible to name but close to impossible from a photo. yours is close to hotentotta but they look so different as they age it could be one of many species.

Posted by Kahis on 06-10-2006 12:27

Zeegers wrote:
Looks like a Villa to me.
This genus is notoriously difficult, if not impossible, to ID.

Notoriously difficult yes, impossible no. Some females are probably impossible, but male genitalia have good characters in this genus too at least for the central European fauna.

Posted by pierred on 06-10-2006 20:38


Sorry, guys, for forgetting to give some indications.

France, Carcans (near Bordeaux), august 2004. I don't remember the size, but it was, erh, normal ;) for this kind of insects. Say, 10-12mm.