Thread subject: :: Sargus bipunctatus

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 04-10-2006 23:04

It seems that finally I saw a Sargus bipuntactus. Just in this week the temperaturEs begin to drop here in Portugal. Stratomyidae flies prefer cold weather, isn?t it? :) Or are they very tolerant to cold/warm temperatures?

Jorge Almeida

Posted by Tony Irwin on 04-10-2006 23:16

Hi Jorge
Most Stratiomyidae prefer warm weather (at least by British standards! ;)), but Sargus bipunctatus is an autumn species, so you are more likely to see it in September or October. If the summer is very hot and dry, some species may be scarce until a bit of rain appears.

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 04-10-2006 23:21

Tony Irwin wrote:
Hi Jorge
Most Stratiomyidae prefer warm weather (at least by British standards! ;)), but Sargus bipunctatus is an autumn species, so you are more likely to see it in September or October. If the summer is very hot and dry, some species may be scarce until a bit of rain appears.

Hi Tony
yes, it rained here. There was indeed 2 big storms. Just today the weather turns a bit better. :) And I saw for the first time my first :) Sargus. Almost 99% sure that was bipuntactus - ( is great resource!) :) - But it is smaller than I thougth this Srgus, perhaps I saw a juvenile. :) This was my second Stratiomyidae fly I saw so far. :)