Thread subject: :: Sepedon sphegea?

Posted by morfa on 04-10-2006 19:39

Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Larger view available here: http://www.morfa....46_web.jpg



Posted by Paul Beuk on 04-10-2006 20:07

No doubt.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 04-10-2006 20:45

Today I collected 4 specimens of Sepedon near Side. Grace to Jons's image I'm sure now - all are Sepedon aenescens with yellow-brownish 1-st antennae segment. As far as I know the most western point where Sepedon aenescens was recorded before is Afganistan.

Posted by morfa on 05-10-2006 13:58

Paul, thanks for the confirmation.

Nikita: that's interesting! By the way I found S. aenescens mentioned as an introduced species on Hawaii:

"Two species of marsh flies (Sepedomerus macropus
and Sepedon aenescens) that feed on lymnaeid snails (Davis 1960) were introduced into Hawai`i in 1958 and 1966, respectively. These predatory flies were intended to act as biological control agents for the non-native lymnaeidsnail, Fossaria viridis (Funasaki et al. 1988)."

Source: http://www.fws.go...inalRP.pdf


Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 05-10-2006 16:23

Sepedon aenescens, I hope/
We are back in Moscow.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 10-10-2006 14:17

I compared with material in Moscow Zool Musem. Yes, it is
S. aenescens.