Thread subject: :: Chaoborus crystallinus ?

Posted by liege67 on 30-09-2006 23:55

Dear all

Today, in a small pond, I found eggs and larvae
I identify eggs as being those of Chaoborus crystallinus
but i have no idea for the larvae

Can you help me ?

thank you

jean marc

Ferrieres, Liege (BE) 30 sept 2006

Paul, sorry, this post is not in the good forum !!

Edited by liege67 on 01-10-2006 00:06

Posted by liege67 on 30-09-2006 23:57

other picture - larvae

Edited by liege67 on 30-09-2006 23:57

Posted by liege67 on 30-09-2006 23:57

other picture - larvae

Posted by Tony Irwin on 01-10-2006 18:00

The eggs certainly look like those of Chaoboridae. The "larvae" are actually pupal exuviae (empty skins) of Chironomidae. Chaoborid pupae have special swimming paddles on the tip of the abdomen (see http://www.microm...nh1010.htm)

Posted by liege67 on 01-10-2006 20:12

Tony Irwin wrote:
The eggs certainly look like those of Chaoboridae. The "larvae" are actually pupal exuviae (empty skins) of Chironomidae. Chaoborid pupae have special swimming paddles on the tip of the abdomen (see http://www.microm...nh1010.htm)

thank you