Thread subject: :: Harvestman

Posted by Roger Thomason on 10-01-2011 13:26

Spotted briefly disappearing into foliage at Burn of Valayre..possible to tell which from this one photo?

Posted by rvanderweele on 10-01-2011 17:06

Looks to me as a Mitopus morio

Posted by Juergen Peters on 10-01-2011 20:27


rvanderweele wrote:
Looks to me as a Mitopus morio

I don't think so. This is a short legged one with a different marking. In central Europe at this time of the year it would be a juvenile Rilaena triangularis (a species adult in spring; most other harvestmen are summer or autumn animals), but I don't know the species of the Shetlands.

Posted by rvanderweele on 10-01-2011 21:55

Rilaena is indeed a spring species. I cannot see the palps well.
As far as I know fromRoger only Megabunus diadema is known from the Shetlands.

Anyway,Roger, in case you can collect coming spring some harvestmen for me, I will be pleased to look at them.

Posted by rvanderweele on 10-01-2011 22:01

BTW, Juergen, I checked quickly. You are right. Problem with Mitopus, which may occur in the shetlands, I think, that it is extremely variable in colour. I have seen them very light, like the one on the photo, to almost blackish. But looking at the figure on the body...yes, you are right.
I've got to say, when writing my first reaction to Roger I thought at that moment how strange it is to see a Mitopus on the ground. Mitopus morio may be found typically on bushes, etc, so not on the soil level. Rilaena, especially juv may be indeed found on the ground. Adults more frequent on vegetation.
BTW, be careful, juveniles may have shorter legs than adults.

Posted by Roger Thomason on 11-01-2011 00:44

rvanderweele wrote:
Rilaena is indeed a spring species. I cannot see the palps well.
As far as I know from Roger only Megabunus diadema is known from the Shetlands.

Anyway,Roger, in case you can collect coming spring some harvestmen for me, I will be pleased to look at them.

Hi Guys
slight misquote there Ruud, I did in fact say "None on the Checklist, but I have found several, the best looking one being a tiny 3mm Megabunus diadema, which I had ID'd on"
This one was photographed on 4th August last year.
Other ones were..http://www.dipter...post_82271

EDIT; As can be seen, the one ID'd as M.morio is at ground level also.

Regards Roger

Edited by Roger Thomason on 11-01-2011 00:52

Posted by rvanderweele on 11-01-2011 08:24

Sorry, by writing " known from the Shetlands" I meant recorded from the Shetlands. I know that Roger saw more species. I thought that M. diadema was recorded...well apparently not! Maybe nice to work on a small article about the Opilionid fauna of the Shetlands, Roger?

For me M. diadema is a great looking animal. I only found it in Norway. I looked for it in the Netherlands, always in vain!

