Thread subject: :: Volucella bombylans v. plumata ?

Posted by brigitteu on 01-12-2010 14:58


Switzerland, summer :-), 27.06.2010, highmoor, 965 msm

Is it Volucella bombylans var plumata, a female? Are there any other species for mix-up?
Any adjustment/confirmation would be appreciated.

Kind regards, Brigitte

Posted by rvanderweele on 06-12-2010 21:21

and this is the plumata form, indeed. No, bombylans is the humble-bee like species, the other species have short, adpressed hairs.

Posted by brigitteu on 06-12-2010 22:49

Thank you Ruud! for both Volucella.

Then I schould be able to recognize "the Volucella bombylans" in the future. I hope it at least . . . .

Best regards, Brigitte