Thread subject: :: Conopidae ?

Posted by Didier on 14-09-2006 10:36

Hello all,
Do you think you can confirm that I shot a Conopidae fly.
Could we go further in the determination ?

Click on the picture to enlarge ... and click again to go back.
Didier : France : 7 August 2006 : St Amand Roche Savine : 63890
altitude : 960m - Size : 10mm estimated

Looking forward.

Posted by conopid on 14-09-2006 12:15

Certainly looks like the genus Conops (Conopidae);)

Edited by conopid on 14-09-2006 12:15

Posted by Tony Irwin on 14-09-2006 19:38

I'll stick my neck out and say Conops quadrifasciatus female.