Thread subject: :: Asilidae: Laphria

Posted by Bruce Marlin on 27-05-2005 23:34

I photographed this robber fly today near Chicago IL USA. I'm pretty sure I'm looking at Laphria virginica (female), or perhaps Laphria thoracica. Help!

Posted by Bruce Marlin on 28-05-2005 17:48

I have since learned this is Laphria flavicollis, due primarily to the yellow hairs on the scutellum. This according to Giff Beaton and Mike Thomas.

Edited by Bruce Marlin on 28-05-2005 17:49

Posted by Paul Beuk on 28-05-2005 17:52

:D Nothing better than a forum that runs itself! If only everyone answered his/her own questions... Although, better not. Otherwise we could close the forum and we would not see all those magnificent pictures! ;)

Posted by cthirion on 29-05-2005 00:20

Post Reply:

Guy Tomasovic

Posted by Bruce Marlin on 29-05-2005 22:31

<perk!> Did I hear someone say "magnificent pictures"?!

Posted by Paul Beuk on 29-05-2005 22:50

Nah, you can't have, can you? :D