Thread subject: :: Seioptera vibrans

Posted by crex on 11-09-2006 20:20

A sepsid? from midwest Sweden on 2002-06-29. This is the only shot I got. What can you say about it? Except that the photo lacks sharpness of course ;)

Edit: Changed subject (A sepsid?)

Edited by crex on 11-09-2006 22:16

Posted by John Smit on 11-09-2006 21:05

Nope, Seioptera vibrans, Ulidiidae.

Best wishes,


Posted by Kahis on 11-09-2006 21:12

Sepsids are as a rule much smaller than Seioptera, around 2-3 mm body length.

Posted by crex on 11-09-2006 21:19

Thank you very much John & Jere!

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 11-09-2006 21:43

crex wrote:
A sepsid? from midwest Sweden on 2002-06-29. This is the only shot I got. What can you say about it? Except that the photo lacks sharpness of course ;)

I would be for Ulidiidae fly. :)

Posted by Jan Willem on 12-09-2006 08:43

Also have a look at the placement of the spot on the wing. It is more pre-apical is Sepsidae.

Jan Willem