Thread subject: :: Fly behaviour

Posted by Gordon Jar on 08-09-2006 18:49

I photographed the attached in South East England on 08/09/06.

The photographs were taken in the order they are numbered. I wondered what it's intentions were. Can anyone advise me and also Id it ?



Posted by Gordon Jar on 08-09-2006 18:52

Apologies for putting this in the wrong forum. Is it possible to move It ?


Posted by Tony Irwin on 08-09-2006 20:08

Ah! What mysteries lie inside a fly's head!
Circumstantial evidence suggests that this is Delia radicum male (Anthomyiidae) and the sawfly larva is Athalia rosae (Tenthredinidae).
Possibly (and this is stretching my imagination) the sawfly larva smells something like a female cabbage root fly (which has been eating Brassica too, albeit as a maggot). Confused, it prepares to mount, but realises its error before any lasting embarrassment! :D

Edited by Tony Irwin on 08-09-2006 20:08

Posted by Gordon Jar on 08-09-2006 22:05

Thankyou Tony.

No wonder the caterpillar is backing off.
