Thread subject: :: Lasioglossum calceatum ?

Posted by BubikolRamios on 22-09-2010 23:44

This should be it, the prob. is that I can't find another image anywhere with such pterostigma on wings as on my image.

Edited by BubikolRamios on 23-09-2010 08:30

Posted by Cesa on 20-01-2013 11:10

I think so. A colourful bee.
Its wing venation, colouration of the legs, abdomen resemble to this species.
I have also an image from East Turkey with the same features.

Posted by Juergen Peters on 20-01-2013 14:59


Attention: L. calceatum is virtually undistinguishable from L. albipes after a photo ("twin species").

Edited by Juergen Peters on 20-01-2013 14:59

Posted by Cesa on 20-01-2013 15:55

From Turkey, another similar species to calceatum gruppe, I think (attached). Could you please tell me the key characters between albipes and calceatum? Thanks. Muhabbet

Posted by Juergen Peters on 20-01-2013 16:17


Cesa wrote:
Could you please tell me the key characters between albipes and calceatum?

Sorry, I'm no expert. I was only told by experts that my photos of L. calceatum could also show (the rarer) L. albipes. I think a microscopic examination is needed.

Posted by Cesa on 21-01-2013 07:17

Thank you Juergen!

Posted by ebbek on 22-01-2013 17:55

Check if labrum is black or yellow. Calceatum has black labrum and albipes yellow - I can not see which colour on the pictures. If labrum is yellow there are two species: albipes or euboeense, the latter one has shorter antennae (the bee on the third picture seems to have a shorter antennae, but is labrum yellow?) .......

Best regards


Posted by Cesa on 23-01-2013 11:24

Many thanks Ebbek. I checked the colouration of the labrum of two species of mine. Labrum clearly black in my first image, and yellow in the second one.
Geographically, albipes is represented in Turkey only from Black Sea coast (very humid region), but euboeense is reported from Central and East Turkey (dry, cold mountainous climate). My second species comes from East Turkey; therefore, euboeense fits geographically better.


Edited by Cesa on 23-01-2013 11:39

Posted by ebbek on 23-01-2013 11:57

Yes, it seems quite clear that it is calceatum and euboeense. Significant for euboeense is shorter antennaea (each segment about 1,25 as long as broad, while albipes segments are at least 1,5 as long as broad) and euboeense also have well delepoded white hair patches on the first tergites which also is visible on your picture. In Sweden albipes is a common species, and we don´t have ueboeense so I have no further experience of tjhat species ... so it was interesting to see ...

Posted by Cesa on 23-01-2013 12:33

Dear Krister,

Thank you very much for your help in identification and comments. May I learn your full name, for the purpose of our thanks to you in the related publication?


Prof. Dr. Ahmet O.Kocak
Yuzuncu Yil University,
Van / Turkey

Posted by ebbek on 23-01-2013 12:42

My name is Krister Larsson, from Halmstad (Simlångsdalen) in SW Sweden. Bees and wasps the groups I am mostly studying and I am sorry that we have a much more sparse fauna of these groups comparing to you.

Best wishes


Posted by Cesa on 23-01-2013 18:47

Thank you very much Krister, for your kind collaboration and sharing your knowledge with us.

Best wishes and success in your studies,

Ahmet O.Kocak