Thread subject: :: Small grey Tachinid (?)

Posted by Juergen Peters on 07-09-2006 20:03


This fly was only about 6 mm long. In low vegetation near forest, Ostwestfalen/Gemany, yesterday. Is it a Tachinid? Thanks!

Posted by Zeegers on 07-09-2006 21:22

Yep, Tachinid.
Difficult to say more (yes, grey Tachinid).
Might be Blondelia, but long shot.

Theo Zeegers

Posted by Juergen Peters on 07-09-2006 23:20

Hello, Theo!

Zeegers wrote:
Difficult to say more (yes, grey Tachinid).
Might be Blondelia, but long shot.

Thanks! I must admit, the pics are not the best...

Posted by Zeegers on 08-09-2006 13:39

Well, it aint easy to photograph those active Tachinids, I know.
next time better


Posted by Xespok on 08-09-2006 15:32

Tachinids are not too bad, they tend to be rather tame and may allow a close approach. Try to make a good photo of a Phorid or a Platypezid fly. It is a nightmare, because they dance on the leaves all the time.