Thread subject: :: From larva to adult: Sarcotachina umbrinervis

Posted by Rui Andrade on 22-08-2010 01:09

On the 23rd of July I've collected a mating couple of Sarcotachina umbrinervis in the dunes of Apúlia, in the North of Portugal. I left them both in the same tube alive and two days later I saw several larvae eating the male. I took the opportunity to try to rear them. I fed them with dead flies and by the 8th of August they started to pupate. On the 21st the adults began to emerge. Below you can see some photos.

Posted by Rui Andrade on 22-08-2010 01:10


Posted by Rui Andrade on 22-08-2010 01:11


Posted by Rui Andrade on 22-08-2010 01:11


Posted by Rui Andrade on 22-08-2010 01:11


Posted by pierred on 22-08-2010 08:27

Beautiful !!
Congratulations !!

Posted by Rui Andrade on 22-08-2010 13:05

Thanks Pierre:). I was wondering if this species is a cleptoparasite, feeding on some wasp provisions, or instead being necrophagous.

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 23-08-2010 15:52

LOL at the first photo. Great work, Andrade!!!!