Thread subject: :: Fly ID

Posted by cornascrebe on 03-09-2006 16:25

Hi All

I wonder if any one could ID this Fly ? 4 images

Many Thanks in advance

Colin D

I could not get the images on so they are here

Edited by cornascrebe on 03-09-2006 16:28

Posted by crex on 03-09-2006 17:32

cornascrebe wrote:

I only see a blank page!?

Posted by Jan Willem on 03-09-2006 18:04

Crex wrote:
I only see a blank page!?

Well chosen title "mystery91.html" ;)

Posted by cornascrebe on 03-09-2006 23:12

Apolgies Folks

Having a Bad image day !!

The link should read


Also a hover on


Edited by cornascrebe on 03-09-2006 23:18

Posted by Zeegers on 04-09-2006 13:11

The hoverfly is Meliscaeva (Episyrphus, if you like) cinctella (-us).
The other one might be a Sciomyizidae, not sure though

Theo Zeegers

Posted by cornascrebe on 04-09-2006 23:56

Thanks Theo

Yes The Hover is M. Cincatella Tetanoceraover and the Fly possibly a Snail Killing Fly but not sure which one

Many Thanks

Colin D

Edited by cornascrebe on 05-09-2006 00:00

Posted by cornascrebe on 29-09-2006 21:17

Dear All

I have updated the enquiry the following link

Click on Insects and all finds will be displayed to date that are positively ID 'd I will post images directly to diptera now I have realised that dont display when previewed but when sent !!

Best wishes

Colin D