Thread subject: :: Scatella

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 31-08-2006 20:45

Moscow region, 31 aug, 2,5mm
S. stagnalis?
It sits on leach with some reason or without?

Posted by Tony Irwin on 31-08-2006 21:46

Scatella tenuicosta - very similar to stagnalis, but the most distal spot in the wing is shaped like an hour-glass (or Coca-Cola bottle :D). In stagnalis this spot is more oval. All Scatella feed on diatoms and desmids, so there's no reason for it to be on a leech - perhaps it's just a good place to view the crowd. (The male is on the leech, the female on the leaf.)

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 31-08-2006 21:59

What an easy way to separate two species!
Thank you Tony!

Posted by Tony Irwin on 31-08-2006 22:14

I should point out that not all tenuicosta show the "waisted" spot. Some of them have a less obvious triangular spot, but in all the specimens I've seen, the spot widens anteriorly (towards R4+5). In stagnalis the spot can also be various shapes but never widens anteriorly.
And don't forget there are other species with which they can be confused :( though these two are the most common and widespread.:)