Thread subject: :: Asilidae: Stichopogon argenteus [was Unknown fly on sand (USA)]

Posted by syncrasy on 02-07-2010 17:38

I can't find this fly in any of my field guides. Seen late June in a dune/scrub habitat near a northeastern Illinois beach.

Click image to enlarge.

Edited by syncrasy on 07-07-2010 14:46

Posted by syncrasy on 03-07-2010 04:43

Anyone willing to point me in the right direction? (family? genus?)

Posted by Eric Fisher on 03-07-2010 07:04

Asilidae: Lasiopogon sp.

Posted by syncrasy on 03-07-2010 13:09

Thanks, Eric!

Posted by Eric Fisher on 03-07-2010 20:41

You're welcome syncrasy -- except, I'm afraid I screwed-up! This robber fly is actually Stichopogon[ argenteus/i]. The genera [i]Stichopogon and Lasiopogon are related, but I was careless...



Posted by syncrasy on 04-07-2010 21:53

No problem, Eric. Thanks for the update. (If I had a better photo, it might have helped.)

Posted by Ktyr on 28-06-2014 19:58

For what it's worth (four years after the matter!), I'm pretty sure this is actually Stichopogon trifasciatus instead. S. argenteum has the abdomen all light grey, while S. trifasciatus has first tergite grey, next two black, next one grey, next three black, genitalia grey, and its grey is more of the steel-grey variety (like here). You can just make out that pattern through the wings.
For comparison, look at this guy: