Thread subject: :: Rearing interesting syrphid from eggs..

Posted by Alexandru Pintilioaie on 02-07-2010 14:36

Today I found this interesting syrphid and got some eggs from it. Anyone know how i can obtain adults from this eggs ?

Posted by conopid on 02-07-2010 16:27

It's Volucella pellucens. The larvae live in wasp and bee nests. I don't think it will be easy to raise these!!

Posted by Paul Beuk on 02-07-2010 16:35

Er..., shall we make that a bombylans?

Posted by Alexandru Pintilioaie on 03-07-2010 08:30

Thanks, I will try anyway to feed the larva with dead wasp and bees .

Posted by Menno Reemer on 03-07-2010 09:33

The larvae of this species live in the nests of bumble bees (Bombus), not in wasp nests. They are scavengers and feed on the accumulated debris in the nest, which possibly consists partly of dead bumble bee larvae and pupae. In captivity, they have been reared on pollen collected by honey bees.