Thread subject: :: Musca autumnalis

Posted by crex on 16-08-2006 11:28

From midwest Sweden 2006-07-07 ... with plumose arista. I guess it's hard to ID!? I can't even tell what family it belongs ...

Edit: Changed subject (Unknown diptera)

Edited by crex on 16-08-2006 12:40

Posted by crex on 16-08-2006 11:29

Another view.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 16-08-2006 11:44

Male Musca autumnalis. Very glamorous photos! B)

Posted by crex on 16-08-2006 12:38

Tony Irwin wrote:
Male Musca autumnalis. Very glamorous photos! B)

Thank you Tony :D This one differs a bit from the one in the gallery (female from Portugal). Mine lacks the clear stripes on thorax. Musca autumnalis seems to be spread all over the world. I wonder if there are defined races in this species or perhaps only the appearance differs.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 16-08-2006 13:00

The photo in the gallery shows a female, which has more boldly marked stripes. The difference is shown quite well in Louis' post - see http://www.dipter...post_12475