Thread subject: :: Eristalis horticola?

Posted by nick upton on 22-03-2010 23:34

Can anyone confirm that this hoverfly is E. horticola?

Photographed 16.7.09 in the Hecho valley, Spanish Pyrenees c 1200m altitude.

Nick Upton

Posted by Lukasz Mielczarek on 25-03-2010 23:26

Not E. lineata(=horticola)
I think Eristalis similis( tars 1 black) or E. pertinax(tars 1 yellow).


Edited by Lukasz Mielczarek on 25-03-2010 23:28

Posted by nick upton on 26-03-2010 21:26

Many thanks for your advice Lukasz. I'll check if i have any other shots taken at the same time which might show the colour of the front feet more clearly and then I might know for sure what this is.