Thread subject: :: Lots and lots of Bristles!

Posted by Stephen on 08-08-2006 13:35

The most bristly fly I've ever seen. Actually I see it every year, and it seems to like hanging around our house. Here it is on a colorful rug.

July 16, 2006, West Virginia USA. Posting two views.

Genus Tachina, perhaps?

Posted by Stephen on 08-08-2006 13:37

Second Photo

Posted by Zeegers on 08-08-2006 21:20

Hi Stephen

Definitely a Tachina or closely related genus.
I'm an Old World type of guy, so I lack experience on your continent.

Theo Zeegers

Posted by ChrisR on 08-08-2006 22:29

It needs the expert eye of Jim O'Hara, in Canada. He is the expert on Nearctic tachs and might be able to give you a name for it :)

His email can be found at http://www.nadsdi...rahome.htm

Posted by Stephen on 10-08-2006 11:48

Chris and Zeegers, thanks for those leads.

Jim O'Hara and Monty Wood had a look at the images, and I identified them as Juriniopsis adusta (van der Wulp).

Thanks again!

Posted by Zeegers on 10-08-2006 22:05

I'm glad I added 'or closely related genus'


Posted by Stephen on 02-09-2006 14:32

Oops, now a month later and I see I made a typo. I didn't mean to say "I identified," I meant to say "They identified." Just a slip of the fingers, it was certainly they who did the identifying!