Thread subject: :: Laphria

Posted by SylvainF on 11-05-2005 08:13

Excuse me for my unperfect english :)

I caught this Asilidae, in the wet part of the plain of la Crau, near a pond, in the south-east of France, V.4.2005, 25mm

It seems to be a Laphria, and perhaps ephippium...
What about ? Thx for all


Edited by SylvainF on 11-05-2005 08:19

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 12-05-2005 22:30

Hello sylvain,
Welcome to the site! :D
There seems to be nothing wrong with your Englisch, so why excusing yourself for it? ;)
About your Laphria, I think you are right by thinking this is a laphria ephippium.
Laphria flava has, as its name indicates, much more yellow hairs.

Edited by Gerard Pennards on 12-05-2005 22:32

Posted by SylvainF on 13-05-2005 09:06

Thanks for your response !