Thread subject: :: Rhingia borealis?

Posted by Dima DD on 20-01-2010 22:51

Dear friends,
This very delicate syrphid was flying around (and within) the same raspberry shrub for 2-3 hours, feeding on its flowers. It looks very dark (almost black at low light conditions). Could it be male Rhingia borealis? I don't see haired arista, is it important feature? I've noticed relatively short dark snout and dark margins of tergites, legs and scutellum almost black...

Russia, Kola peninsula, White sea, Porya Guba bay. Jul 26, 2009


Edited by Dima DD on 21-01-2010 00:48

Posted by Dima DD on 20-01-2010 22:52

Another photo:

Posted by Lukasz Mielczarek on 22-01-2010 00:17

I think so Rhingia austriaca(=borealis). Very rare here in Poland:(


Posted by Dima DD on 22-01-2010 01:07

Thank you, Lukasz!
I spent a TIME searching distinct images of R. borealis in the internet, but found only 3-4? photos. All of them from Scandinavia, one is in gallery! :)


Posted by Andre on 22-01-2010 01:21

So this would make two more, if the ID is correct :)