Thread subject: :: Empis livida

Posted by crex on 26-07-2006 22:47

Unknown Empididae, Empis sp from midwest Sweden 2006-07-04. I realize it's a weird photo angle, but perhaps it's still possible to make an ID? TIA!

Edit: Changed subject (Empididae sp)

Edited by crex on 28-07-2006 10:23

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 26-07-2006 22:54

I think Empis livida, female.

Posted by crex on 27-07-2006 14:12

Thank you Nikita.

I have more photos of other individuals of the family Empis (I think). Perhaps they are the same genus ... or perhaps not. I'm not sure whether I should post the pictures in this thread or use a new one for each individual!?

Posted by Tony Irwin on 27-07-2006 14:27

I think Paul would suggest to post new threads for each species. It makes life much simpler! ;)

Posted by crex on 27-07-2006 14:33

Tony Irwin wrote:
I think Paul would suggest to post new threads for each species. It makes life much simpler! ;)

Well, if I only knew to which species they belong ;)

Posted by Paul Beuk on 27-07-2006 14:40

If you think they are in the same species, post them together. Otherwise create separate threads.

Posted by crex on 27-07-2006 22:05

Another Empis livida!? From same place and date. Found dead.

Edited by crex on 27-07-2006 22:05

Posted by crex on 27-07-2006 22:14

Yet another individual Empis livida!? From same place and date.

Posted by crex on 27-07-2006 22:21

One more Empis livida, I suppose, same place 2006-07-05.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 27-07-2006 22:40

I think you are in the clear with E. livida. ;)

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 28-07-2006 10:08

By the way, Crex, on some of your images is visible that veins M do not reach wing margin, which "specialite de la maison" of Empis livida.

Posted by crex on 28-07-2006 10:21

Nikita Vikhrev wrote:
By the way, Crex, on some of your images is visible that veins M do not reach wing margin, which "specialite de la maison" of Empis livida.

Ok, thanks Nikita, I'll keep that in mind even though I'm not sure I can locate vein M in my pictures :).