Thread subject: :: Lucilia sp

Posted by crex on 26-07-2006 22:23

Found dead in midwest Sweden 2006-07-03. Don't really remember the size of it, perhaps 5-10 mm. I have a few more photos of this one if needed. Any chance of an ID? TIA!

Edit: Subject changed (Unknown diptera)

Edited by crex on 27-07-2006 13:56

Posted by ChrisR on 26-07-2006 23:40

Calliphoridae - Lucilia sp.?

Posted by crex on 27-07-2006 08:16

Thanks Chris. Here is another view - headshot. The arista is hairy even though it's hard to see that in this fuzzy photo.

Posted by crex on 27-07-2006 08:22

A third view.