Thread subject: :: ?TABANUS?

Posted by Hubert Polacek on 24-07-2006 23:11

Hello! Can you help me please with this species? Is it possible to
determine it according to eyes? (Size ca 23 mm, locality Czech rep.)
Thx. Hubert

Posted by Tony Irwin on 25-07-2006 00:39

Great photo, but not easy to name!
It is a Hybomitra (hairy, banded eyes and bare callus on frons).
The wrinkled callus and extensively orange antennae suggest the bimaculata group.
The fairly broad, tapering frons and callus shape suggest bimaculata, solstitialis or distinguenda.
H.bimaculata is ruled out as it has black-haired cheeks.
H.solstitialis has pale palpi and pale, thinly dusted basal antennal segments, so I don't think it's that.
Leaving us with H.distinguenda. B)
Of course, I might be wrong! ;)