Thread subject: :: Ichneumon(?)Wasp

Posted by Roger Thomason on 11-11-2009 15:54

Found one of StephenR's Bees :D from summer....size (can't remember :|).
Found in the garden...any chance of ID'ing it?

Edited by Roger Thomason on 11-11-2009 15:58

Posted by Stephen R on 11-11-2009 19:29

Gimme a break you b@*!^<$. Are you sure it isn't Chrysomya albiceps??? :@:@:@

Posted by Roger Thomason on 11-11-2009 20:21

I don't think so Stephen. It is sort of greenish in colour with a white face. And being a member of the Calliphoridae mob it only has 1 pair of wings, whereas I'm almost certain this little thing has 2 pairs. So close, but no cigar. :P
Regards Roger

Posted by Stephen R on 11-11-2009 20:44

One day the story will be told;)

Posted by Roger Thomason on 11-11-2009 21:08

You really should make more use of the QUOTE BUTTON.
Regards Roger.

(I readily admit to doing so on the odd occasion, I cannot tell a lie)*
What does; b@*!^<$ mean? Can't get "Translate with Live Search" to make any sense of it. Tried all available combinations...Zilch.

Regards Roger

Posted by Stephen R on 11-11-2009 22:00

Roger Thomason wrote:
What does; b@*!^<$ mean?
Regards Roger

Ask around in the pub. Alternatively there are probably eminent dipterologists of several nationalities who would be happy to tell you. :D:D

Posted by Roger Thomason on 11-11-2009 23:01

I would but I think I'm barred from the pub :).
Yes, but (assuming it's something detrimental to my character) the ones who would wish to repeat it, speak (to date), Russian, Dutch, French or Walloon or something, and I can't speak any of those languages.

Roger B'stard
Belgian Consulate.