Thread subject: :: Another Anthomyzidae?

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 23-07-2006 13:59

July 21, 2006.
Size 2.5mm.
These small long-winged flies was one of the most common catches throughout the whole last month in various grassland habitats, but I failed to shoot them somehow.

Posted by David Gibbs on 23-07-2006 16:01

Asteiidae, Asteia concinnia Meigen, at least that is what it would be in GB, possibly similar species out your way?

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 23-07-2006 16:15

Great ,another Asteiidae, many thanks David

Posted by Kahis on 23-07-2006 17:17

It is rather common on semi-dry grasslands here in Finland from mid-July to mid-August.

According to Fauna Europaea there are a bunch of Asteia species in the Mediterranean, but only three in Central Europe (concinna, elegantula and amoena).

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 23-07-2006 21:40

Thanks a lot Jere.