Thread subject: :: Malaise traps

Posted by steeves on 09-11-2009 20:17

Hi guys,

I am new to this forum and I would be very grateful if somebody could let me know where I can find some cheap aerial malaise (or composite flight intercept) ;)traps.

Thanks a lot.


Posted by Steve Pelikan on 09-11-2009 23:02

This should probably be posted in a different forum like "General", but I don't know if/how to move it. In the right spot more people will see it and respond.

I guess cheapest depends on where you are. A search of the WEB shows several companies selling them in the US and a couple more in other places. I'm not an expert on exchange rates but they all seem to cost about the same with principle differences being (1)size (2) whether poles, line, etc. are supplied, (3) kind and number of collecting heads.

They're not hard to make but I'd suggest getting one pre-made first and then copying it. UV-stabilized material isn't cheap but you can probably make a 2 meter long Malaise yourself for a bit over $100 US if you have a sewing machine.

Edited by Steve Pelikan on 09-11-2009 23:05

Posted by steeves on 09-11-2009 23:37

Thanks Steve, I will try to move into the general forum.

I had a search on the net but it seems that the companies here are selling only malaise traps but I am currently looking for AERIAL Malaise traps. I currently based in UK.

Thanks a lot again.


Posted by Paul Beuk on 09-11-2009 23:43

Thread already moved. No need to do anything in that respect.

Posted by steeves on 10-11-2009 00:04

Thanks a lot paul.

Posted by ChrisR on 10-11-2009 01:19

I think the words "cheap" and "Malaise trap" are not usually compatible ;) I think your best bet would be perhaps to make one of your own with some netting and carbon-fiber rods - like the ones used to make modern kites. That would be pretty light and rigid. Where are you hoping to run these traps? :)

Posted by steeves on 10-11-2009 10:48

Hi Chris,

I have found lots of places where I found Malaise traps but I am looking for AERIAL MALAISE traps. I am looking to buy a one and use it as a template. I will be carrying arthropods surveys in the dry forests of Mauritius in January.

Thanks for replying.


Posted by Paul Beuk on 10-11-2009 11:25

I have no experience running my own Malaise trap (let alone buying or building one) but I already volunteer to do work on any of the empidoids (excluding dolies) you might get. :D

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 10-11-2009 12:19

And I volunteer for the Syrphidae you will get.....

Posted by Andre on 11-11-2009 01:00

I thought I left this link here:

Nothing there for your specific goal?
Also you can ask Gordon, he made some traps himself!

Posted by steeves on 12-11-2009 12:13

Hi Andre,

Thank you so much for this website. It is just amazing and relatively cheap. It will cost around 35 pounds to post but it even so it absolutely fine.

Sorry for writing my specific goals. Here they are:

I am actually studying endemic geckos in Mauritius and one part of my research will be looking at their diet. So I will need to sample their environment to see what kind of arthropods are present. I am planning to collect arthropods on a monthly basis for one year.

I hope this is clear. If not, please let me know.

Thanks again.

:) steeves:D

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 12-11-2009 12:33

Aaaah, you're going to study Phelsuma's??

Posted by ChrisR on 12-11-2009 15:06

Would be very, very interesting to see the tachinids from such an isolated island ... but I doubt many would be identifiable ... perhaps at least the number of species could be calculated :)

Posted by conopid on 12-11-2009 16:43

or try these people:

Posted by bbrown on 14-11-2009 15:24

Sante Traps makes an aerial MT that we used in Colombia. They are in the USA, but they can ship to you..


Posted by viktor j nilsson on 14-11-2009 16:08

The Sante canopy trap looks really impressive, I must say!

Posted by steeves on 15-11-2009 20:58

Thanks for your all advices guys.

Yes Gerrard, I am going to study the Phelsuma's in mauritius.

Has anyone used any aerial malaise traps? How good they are compared to the normal traps? Thanks

I had a look at the sante canopy traps they look but quite expensive compared to the slam trap from taiwan ( please the website Andre posted:

Cheers steeves:)

Posted by steeves on 15-11-2009 21:01

sorry I missed a word in previous reply:

Has anyone used any aerial malaise traps? How good they are compared to the normal malaise traps? Thanks

Posted by ChrisR on 15-11-2009 21:12

Like most traps, the key is in the positioning - a friend of mine put a trap 25m into the rainforest canopy and after 3 months had caught almost nothing (relatively speaking). So you really have to understand what you are after or fill the forest with lots of traps at different heights and orientations. :)

I did see a nice variation on the theme once - with a malaise trap tied to many trees and set at about 1m off the ground ... I don't know how long it was set but it seemed to have quite a good catch :)

Posted by Steve Pelikan on 20-11-2009 04:51

Dang! I just came back to this thread to post about that sells canopy traps only to find them already mentioned.

Your project sounds interesting. Please tell everyone here what you decided on in the end (as far as equipment) and how your work progresses.

Posted by steeves on 26-11-2009 10:37

Hi guys,

I am going for the slam trap with Bugdorm shop. It is going to cost around $ 231 or £140 to ship in the UK. It is relatively cheaper compared to the santetraps. The slam trap looks amazing. I will start catching arthropods in January. Will keep you posted.....

Thanks again for your help.
