Thread subject: :: shield bug nymph with weird 'growth' on top..

Posted by bonitin on 08-11-2009 17:59


While studying the lichen on the bark of an old Honeylocust tree I noticed something that at first sight looked like an up levelled piece of lichen. When I gently touched it it didn't fall but moved slightly. Looking through my macro lens I noticed something darkish with legs..a tiny shield bug nymph.

The lichen like thing on top (not bigger than 2mm) really looks firmly attached not just a loose piece fallen on..
Anyone knows what this could be, is it a kind of parasite :o, or could it be the bug had been there long enough for the 'lichen' (?) to grow on..

Pics taken in Gent, Belgium in a local park on the 4th November..
Thanks for any suggestions! :)

Posted by John Bratton on 08-11-2009 18:32

I think it is the fruiting body of a fungus. I can't remember the name: something like Entomophora.

Posted by bonitin on 08-11-2009 19:00

Thanks John, can it be that such a type of fungus can be a parasite of bugs?:|
I tried to upload two more pics, but it didn't work, perhaps a problem with the server..

Posted by lagura on 08-11-2009 20:21

I don't know what the "thing" is, but the bug is an early instar nymph of Forest Bug, Pentatoma rufipes (Pentatomidae)

Posted by bonitin on 09-11-2009 17:25

Thanks a lot Lars for the id. of my little instar nymph!:)