Thread subject: :: Blow Fly?

Posted by Stephen on 20-07-2006 11:46

Photographed on a mammal carcass (a mouse, if my memory serves) on 24 September 2005. Location: Woodland area, West Virginia USA.

If I took this at my lens' closest setting, which I believe I did, the size is 5.33 mm.

I am posting two images which seem to be two different individuals?one has a small piece of the wing broken away.

Calliphoridae? Is it possible to determine genus?

Posted by Stephen on 20-07-2006 11:48

Here is a second image.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 20-07-2006 13:00

Looks like Lucillia to me. BTW: Both have a piece of their right wings missing, but at different places.

Posted by Stephen on 20-07-2006 21:49

Paul, as always, thanks for your help with this one!