Thread subject: :: Copepod from forest floor!

Posted by pwalter on 19-10-2009 21:32

Hi, has anyone seen a copepod on forest floor, on leaf litter? This was about 0,5 mm long. Canthocamptidae? NE HU, Oct.

Posted by John Bratton on 22-10-2009 16:25

Certainly a harpacticoid copepod, and yes, there is one known from wet leaf litter. I'll look up its name when I get home. Not that yours is necessarily the same species as is found in Britain.

Posted by pwalter on 22-10-2009 17:23

Thank You, on a german forum somebody told me about an article in 'Mikrokosmos' about terrestrial Copepods, so maybe there are more species in Europe. I was suprised to read elswhere that there are terrestrial Ostracods also!

Posted by John Bratton on 22-10-2009 19:19

The species recorded in Britain is Moraria arboricola Scourfield. It was first found in pools in tree holes, but also known from the leaf carpet of woods and from Sphagnum among Juncus (Fryer, G. 1993 The freshwater Crustacea of Yorkshire. Yorkshire Naturalists' Union).


Posted by pwalter on 22-10-2009 23:19

Thank You!