Thread subject: :: Stratiomyidae, 14.07.2006

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 15-07-2006 22:58

Size 5mm (some other specimens smaller, 4mm).

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 15-07-2006 22:58

A dorsal view.

Posted by conopid on 15-07-2006 23:44

Nemotelus species. Nice photos.

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 15-07-2006 23:48

Thanks Nigel

Posted by Tony Irwin on 20-07-2006 02:13

I've been using Roskosny's stratiomyid monograph to look again at this female Nemotelus, and it keys out to N. atriceps, and fits the description very well. :)
However atriceps has only been recorded from France, Portugal, Spain, Malta and North Africa. :o Did you really take this specimen in Moscow? Could be a very important record! :)

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 20-07-2006 10:51

Well Tony, it's definitely Moscow region. Three specimens collected (and more had escaped) by sweeping on a wet meadow near a small brook.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 20-07-2006 21:59

Mmmmm ... :(
I think my enthusiasm clouded my judgement on this one. On reflection, I think it is most likely to be N.pantherinus. As with many Brachycera, leg colour can vary in this genus, and I think yours is simply a specimen with dark banding on the fore and middle tibiae. The males of atriceps and pantherinus are easily separated, pantherinus having extensive yellow marks on the frons (though these are sometimes reduced).
Apologies for creating unecessary excitement.
- I must drink less coffee! ;)

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 20-07-2006 22:33

No problem Tony, N. pantherinus is OK for me, too.