Thread subject: :: Tachinidae ?

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 12-07-2006 20:48

Taken by a friend of mine iN Leiria - PORTUGAL on 10th July 2006.

Tachinidae family?

Posted by Tony Irwin on 12-07-2006 23:34

My guess would be the tachinid Gonia ornata, but I'd wait for Chris to confirm this before telling your friend!

Posted by ChrisR on 13-07-2006 00:52

I'd say it has to be a Tachina sp. or a closely allied genus. With those black legs it doesn't look like T.fera, but it would be nice to have a clearer shot of the body. If I was told it was a UK specimen then I'd provisionally say Nowickia ferox - but I wouldn't be so reckless in southern Europe ;)

Sorry Tony, but it's not a Gonia ... you were probably distracted by the wide vertex but the shape of the face just isn't right. Gonia spp. have very 'fat' faces, for want of a better word. :)