Thread subject: :: Empis pennipes

Posted by Christophe Grangier on 10-07-2006 17:28


On May 17th 2006, in a wood, in great numbers both on Geranium robertianum and Phyteuma spicata flowers.

I don't think I'm wrong if I call them Empis pennipes because of the tarsial brush of females.

Vertrieu, Is?re FR



Posted by Andre on 10-07-2006 18:03

I don't think you are wrong either :)

Posted by Paul Beuk on 10-07-2006 20:34

Almost typical of Empis pennipes: frequenting pink flowers. It seems to have an uncanny preference for Geranium robertianum.

Posted by Christophe Grangier on 11-07-2006 11:36

Thank you Andre and Paul.
I agree with the "pink" preference, I noted that Empis also on Geranium sanguineum. But it is relative : in the same wood, I've found lots of them on Phyteuma spicatum, as I said, (white or blue flowers) and also on Lonicera xylosteum (white flowers)...