Thread subject: :: Delicate Green Flies from West Virginia

Posted by Stephen on 07-07-2006 17:28

These two mating flies were a beautiful shade of green. Unfortunately the green doesn't show up as well in the photo, particularly on one of the flies.

These are from West Virginia USA, and the date was 9 June 2006.

ID help appreciated.

Posted by Stephen on 07-07-2006 17:30

Here is a second photo, showing more detail by leaving out one of the flies.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 07-07-2006 17:55

Hi Stephen.
I think Nematocera, Anisopodidae, probably Sylvicola sp.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 07-07-2006 20:10

Nematocera for sure, but I am hesitating between Trichoceridae and the tipuloid families. For the moment I would settle on Limoniidae.

Posted by paqui on 07-07-2006 22:11

trichoceridae: ocelli and discal cell, 2? anal vein 90? curve, no V suture, 3-8mm
limoniidae: no ocelli, V suture, 11mm, not always spotted wings
... oops, anal lobe not big enough for blephariceridae

Posted by Stephen on 08-07-2006 01:00

Ooops, I started to enter size information but then realized I am not certain. I have one note that says 8 mm but have a little conflicting data on this one...

Edited by Stephen on 08-07-2006 01:21

Posted by Chen Young on 17-07-2006 20:58

Gnophomyia tristissima. The yellow halters give it away.