Thread subject: :: Strange insects...

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 06-07-2006 01:04

Never seen this. Neither I know the Ordo! :|

Anybody knows?

Posted by Steve Pelikan on 06-07-2006 04:16

The one on the irght (at least) looks like a larval Assassin Bug (Reduivdae) or relative. See, for example, http://bugguide.n...view/51330

Posted by Juergen Peters on 06-07-2006 04:57


Steve Pelikan wrote:
The one on the irght (at least) looks like a larval Assassin Bug (Reduivdae) or relative.

They are larvae of true bugs, but no Reduviidae. The thick antennae identify them as Coreidae, most likely they belong to Coreus marginatus. Identically looking larvae of this very abundant species can be found on Rubus etc. also here in Germany these days. The adults are mostly found on Rumex in spring and also on Rubus in late summer.

Posted by Steve Pelikan on 06-07-2006 06:35

Thank you!

I appreciate the explanation that you give with the name. I always learn something when I visit!

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 06-07-2006 08:53

Coreus marginatus for sure - once I had a chance to rear them from eggs.