Thread subject: :: Ctenophora atrata?

Posted by Xaver Frank on 30-06-2006 16:40


Is this the cranefly Ctenophora atrata (or Tanyptera atrata)?

It seems like a female cranefly, doesn't it?


Edited by Xaver Frank on 01-07-2006 21:28

Posted by Robert Nash on 30-06-2006 17:39

It certainly looks like Tanyptera (Tanyptera*) atrata (Linnaeus 1758) subgenus another one for the Glossary (soon) There is one other species in the genus nigricornis so perhaps. Where is it from? What is the size mm. Cheers Robert Warm weekend here in Ireland :p:p:p

Posted by Xaver Frank on 01-07-2006 18:24

Thank you, Robert!

This cranefly is from Dannenberg in North Germany - southwards between Hamburg and Schwerin near the Elbe River. Its length was about 30 mm.

A very nice insect!

Lovely weekend, Xaver

Posted by crex on 01-07-2006 20:35

Picture is gone. No use keeping this thread then, is it!? :(

Posted by Xaver Frank on 01-07-2006 21:31

Picture is back now! I don't know, why it was missing. The thread is saved now! :)