Thread subject: :: Parydra?

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 30-06-2006 14:56

Moscow region, 29 june, 4-5mm.
I hope I searched in right genus.
The only siutable possibility I could find is Parydra insignis. But:
1. It seems to me that forehead is rather metallic-shining under dust than math.
2. As far as I checked P. insignis isn't valid species anymore (absent in Czech and Slovak checklist).

Posted by Tony Irwin on 01-07-2006 00:37

Hi Nikita
This looks more like Paracoenia fumosa. Parydra has a bare face.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 01-07-2006 10:30

Of course, Tony, Paracoenia fumosa, 5dc!
Once again I tell myself: Nikita, check genus, if you have problems with species ID!
Thank you.