Thread subject: :: Cerambycidae

Posted by Xaver Frank on 29-06-2006 17:47


can you identify this Cerambycidae from today in Middle Germany? A time ago I knew this species but now I have no idea, what it is.

Can you help me?

Thank you and Greetings, Xaver

Posted by Robert Nash on 29-06-2006 18:03

Very long antennae bulbous femora Try Acanthochinus aedilis Could be?

Posted by Xaver Frank on 29-06-2006 18:32

Hello Robert!

Thank you for showing me the homepage , but you was not completely right: Look at this site at the same homepage: http://www.uochb....acgris.htm. It is Acanthocinus griseus.

If you had not show me this homepage, I never solved the identification.

Thanks a lot and Greetings

Posted by cthirion on 30-06-2006 01:01

Sorry, why not Monochammus sp?

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 30-06-2006 08:46

Definitely A. griseus.
To distinguish these two genera: Monochamus has different antennae, with scape (1st segment) robust and with scarlike structure (cicatrix) at apex. A row of yellow spots on pronotum is also characteristic for Acanthocinus.

Posted by Robert Nash on 30-06-2006 10:28

Acanthocinus griseus.So it is. I am pleased you liked the site. Our Ireland fauna is smaller but you might enjoy our Habitas site See Weblinks Miscellaneous Carabidae and

Greetings too- from Ireland. Robert

Posted by cthirion on 02-07-2006 12:38
