Thread subject: :: Normal fly

Posted by Andre Jas on 27-06-2006 23:07


I know this is very common, but ccan't find it.

Thanks again,


Posted by ChrisR on 28-06-2006 01:03

Zophomya temula (Tachinidae) perhaps? :)

PS: tachinids are very far from 'normal' - they're internal parasitoids of other invertebrates - usually lepidoptera. :)

Edited by ChrisR on 28-06-2006 01:05

Posted by Andre Jas on 28-06-2006 09:39

Hi Chris,

I meant common in the sense of not rare. And I agree: it's pretty and interesting. Found a huge image of Zophomya temulae and I believe you're spot on! Thanks,
