Thread subject: :: Dioctra

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 27-06-2006 20:51

Moscow, park, 27 june, 12mm. Collected.
I badly need help of Asilidae expert.
According Diptera of European Part of Russia it is D. linearis.
According British Soldierflies... it is D. rufipes.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 28-06-2006 07:12

Will, I do not know if it will help you, but I think it is D. hyalipennis. No spots on naterior margin of tergites; mesonotum largely dusted and hind femur and tibia at least partly darkened.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 28-06-2006 08:24

Realy, antennal tubercle is low, as it should to be in case D. hyalipennis. I'll try to compare with zool musem material.
Thank you Paul.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 04-07-2006 14:29

Paul, I compared with Moscow Zoology Musem Dioctrias. Difficult genus!
As far as I could understand, you are right, D. hyalipennis.