Thread subject: :: Chloropid 5014843

Posted by robirdman on 27-06-2006 17:14

I couldn't see how to add additonal pictures so am including here. Previously posted and ID's by Paul as Chloropid. This was with 5014837 Thaumatomyia glabra= also ID's as such by Paul.

Posted by robirdman on 27-06-2006 17:16

When I try to post the image, I get invalid file or size. This happened before when I tried to repost an image. Is it because it is already on the site?

Posted by ChrisR on 28-06-2006 01:16

most likely because it is too big OR the file name has a space in it :)

Posted by Paul Beuk on 28-06-2006 07:06


Posted by Paul Beuk on 28-06-2006 20:29

Image in this thread: http://www.dipter...ead_id=698