Thread subject: :: What's this one?

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 13-06-2006 15:31

There is a lot of them in a farm very near here. They are always on the ground...

ANy clues?

Taken in Silgueiros - VISEU - PORTUGAL today.

Posted by pierred on 13-06-2006 19:15


This is a bug. Probably a Miriidae.

Posted by Juergen Peters on 14-06-2006 17:48


pierred wrote:
This is a bug. Probably a Miriidae.

I have no clue what family it really is, but it's no Mirid.

Posted by Xespok on 14-06-2006 18:54

The structure resembles Miridae, but I think the antennae are too short.

How about Pyrrhocoridae?

Posted by Paul Beuk on 14-06-2006 19:40

Miridae would be my guess, too...

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 14-06-2006 20:38

Juergen Peters wrote:

pierred wrote:
This is a bug. Probably a Miriidae.

I have no clue what family it really is, but it's no Mirid.

TOMORROW or this week I will take a better and nitid photo so can help you. This bug is very common here.

Posted by Pierre-Nicolas Libert on 15-06-2006 09:14

This bug is not a Miridae but the unmistakable

Lygaeidae Aphanus rolandri.


Posted by Paul Beuk on 15-06-2006 09:18

indeed, no mistake seems possible: http://www.vertde...landri.htm (French site.)

Posted by Pierre-Nicolas Libert on 15-06-2006 09:20

For an other picture of the bug :


Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 15-06-2006 15:04

Pierre-Nicolas Libert wrote:
For an other picture of the bug :


WOW! Great pIERRE! tHIS IS ONE!!!! I took the photo in a cloudy day. I will try another shot.
Thank you to all.