Thread subject: :: Family unknown

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 07-06-2006 05:29

Collected on June 04, 2006, Bekasovo-1 Station, Moscow region.
Size 3mm.

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 07-06-2006 05:30

The left side.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 07-06-2006 07:17

Minettia lupulina of the Lauxaniidae. The thorax has the characteristic bluish grey tomentum, but the posterior margin of the scutellum is black. The black extends onto the dorsal surface and that is where it distinguishes itself from species with similarly coloured thorax.

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 07-06-2006 08:22

Many thanks for ID Paul.