Thread subject: :: Rove Beetle again, Stenus clavicornis?

Posted by Roger Thomason on 21-11-2008 17:56

Photographed in my garden during summer (snowing and blowing a gale at the moment). This little beetle was a few mm in length crawling on Sea Pink (Thrift).
Am I right (for once) in ID'ing it as S.clavicornis?

Edited by Roger Thomason on 21-11-2008 17:58

Posted by Smoggycb on 24-11-2008 12:08

It's a Stenus, but I can't confirm clavicornis. It's gotta be 15 years since I looked at Staphs!

Posted by Roger Thomason on 25-11-2008 15:41

Thanks Smoggycb (How did you come up with a title like that ?) maybe I'll just give it a cf. :|
Regards Roger

Posted by Smoggycb on 25-11-2008 16:31

I'm from Middlesbrough (a 'smoggy')) and my initials are CB .Wish I'd just signed in as Chris!

Edited by Smoggycb on 25-11-2008 16:32

Posted by Roger Thomason on 25-11-2008 17:37

What's a smoggy doing among a load of southern softies man...:o

Posted by Smoggycb on 25-11-2008 18:16

I'm lucky enough to be the warden at Rye Harbour Nature Reserve, so that makes up for living among southern softies! Anyway, Middlesbroughs not really the place to live if you are interested in wildlife and don't like football (do you blame me with the local team!).

Posted by Roger Thomason on 25-11-2008 19:17

Yes different kind of WILDlife in Boro. You could always support Newcastle,Sunderland or even Hartlepool with a push,or is that pushing it a bit. Like asking me to support Celtic (even typing the word is bad enough).

Posted by John Bratton on 26-11-2008 13:53

The front tarsi appear to be bilobed. If so, it rules out subgenus Stenus and therefore it is not clavicornis. The hind tarsi look very long, which puts it in subgenus Parastenus.

I'd have thought not liking football was an advantage if you lived in Middlesborough.

John Bratton

Posted by Smoggycb on 26-11-2008 17:01

Naah, it means there's very little to talk about in the pub.

Posted by Roger Thomason on 26-11-2008 18:41

Cheers John, How come you have to be the proverbial "fly in the ointment" again :|..Oh well, back to mulling over photo's again. I know you mean well, don't you?
Regards Roger
Does Anglesey send a football team to the Island Games?

Posted by John Bratton on 27-11-2008 16:48

Yes, it does. I don't know how they get on. Which presumably means they don't win it, otherwise the papers would be full of it. Are the Island Games every four years?

Posted by Roger Thomason on 27-11-2008 17:46

I think so. Shetland won the football last time it was held up here. Didn't do too well last time in Rhodes,too hot.. I sent photo's off to F.Koehler's Website,said S.clavicornis was most likely from my Checklist,but not 100% certain:|.
Your Surname isn't an Acronym by any chance John?BoringlyRightAllTheTimeOnNiceties ;)
Regards Roger

Edited by Roger Thomason on 27-11-2008 18:00